Starting a new blog or website is very exciting. WordPress has everything you need to get started, and to keep going. It’s the best platform for running your site, but a good website needs to start with a good theme. WordPress has hundreds of themes available to you. Some are free and tend to be simpler, while there are some very fancy and extensive themes available for a price.
You will want to keep in mind that many different types of websites are created with WordPress, and therefore not every theme will be suitable for your specific type of website. Find the type of theme that fits your site, and start there. For example, a photography blog will want a theme that brings attention to the images, whereas a review blog will be more focused on the writing. If you are creating a website for your store or business, you will want a more static website that shows off your products, services, and information.
When it comes to the free themes on WordPress, you will find a wide range of quality. There are some excellent, professional, and very attractive free themes out there, but you will often have to sift through some boring, cluttered ones first. If you choose to look for a premium theme, there will be less to sort through but that still doesn’t mean every single option is a good one. Premium themes with extensive options and features are great, but when it comes to the presentation of your website, simple is usually better. You don’t want your homepage to be cluttered with boxes and text and colors all over the place. You want to find a balance when it comes to these premium options – a theme that has the perfect amount of simplicity and organization while also being highly customizable so you can make it completely your own.
In addition to looking good, you want your website to run smoothly and provide a seamless experience for your visitors. Make sure the theme you select is completely responsive. This should not be optional. Most people will browse the internet on their cell phone or tablet at some point, and you want your website to be able to adjust itself, and still maintain it’s polished and professional look on a mobile device. Also ensure that your chosen theme is compatible with all browsers. Everyone has a different preference, and you will have users from all the browser options.
One of the most powerful features of WordPress is the ability to use plugins. There are hundreds of plugins you can add to your site to give it that little something extra. With the right combination of plugins, your website has the potential to do just about anything. Choosing a theme that is compatible with most or all plugins is essential.
If you are truly looking to build and maintain a high-quality, professional website with a steady stream of traffic, there are a lot of things you need to consider when choosing your WordPress theme. Appearance, organization, responsiveness, and plugin compatibility are good places to start.